Leading Iranian film star 1925-2002
Mahdavi was known and loved by iranian people. His knowledge of English language also made him the best movie translator in Iranian cinema and television.
He travelled to england in his younger years and was interviewed by BBC "In Town Tonight " program. Also news papers called him Persia's Rodulf Valentino.
Mahdavi married Vartoush on his way back to Iran from England and had three sons. He acted in many movies as well as TV. In 1979 he moved to England and lived and for some time worked in BBC world service and theater. His sons Mehdi, Hossain and Reza live in England with their familys. Mahdavi's wife Vartoush has great memories of their 47 year marriage and lives near their sons.
Mehdi Mahdavi cannonmotors@hotmail.com
Hossain Mahdavi www.hossphotography.com
Reza Mahdavi www.smartcoveruk.com
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زنده یاد محسن مهدوی دارای دکترای زبان انگليسی از انگلستان و ليسانس موسيقی از کنسرواتوار رم ايتاليا بود
زنده یاد محسن مهدوی متولد سال 1304 در باکو بود که در 1310 به همراه خانواده اش به ايران آمد. دارای دکترای زبان انگليسی از انگلستان و ليسانس موسيقی از کنسرواتوار رم ايتاليا بود و به زبان های انگليسی، فرانسه و روسی تسلط داشت. مهدوی، سينما را با بازی در نقشی فرعی در فيلم مستی عشق به کارگردانی اسماعيل کوشان در سال 1330 آغاز کرد و با بازی در فيلم شب های تهران ساخته سيامک ياسمی در سال 1334 به عنوان بازيگر در سينمای ايران مطرح شد. پس از آن در ساخته ديگری از سيامک ياسمی، يوسف و زليخا در سال 1335 در نقش يوسف ظاهر شد. مجله ستاره سينما در همان روزها درباره او نوشت که ژست ها و حرکات مهدوی بيننده را به ياد بازی گريگوری پک در فيلم داوود و بستابه می اندازد. مهدوی در همان سال، بازی در يک نقش متفاوت و تا حدی پيچيده را به عنوان يک جنايتکار روانی در فيلم هفده روز به اعدام ساخته دکتر هوشنگ کاووسی به عهده گرفت
News Article at iranian.com
* "Father of Iranian cinema" died at 77
Mohsen Mahdavi, Persian film star and much loved husband and father, passed away at the Royal Free Hospital in London on Thursday 17th October 2002. He was 77-years-old and had been fighting cancer. He leaves behind his beloved wife Vartoush, three sons, and seven grandchildren.
His renowned acting career, which spanned several decades, earned him the title of "the father of Iranian cinema". He was also much respected for his translation of Americaln and British films, as well as writing books and poetry.
As a father, his kind and gentle character ensured that his three sons were not only his greatest fans, but also his closest friends. He will be sadly missed and in our hearts forever